A wise wizard (@couragethecowardlybus) said, “But it would be deceptive of me not to mention the mortar firework attacks in the night, smashed windows, vicious dogs, spray painted cars, busses being recklessly driven around by Ketamine dosed madmen, etc. I even had someone tell me that they were “going back to the slabs where it was safe””
That’s Ehrenburg. That’s not Skooliepalooza.
That is why Skooliepalooza moved back to Q. That’s why we scheduled for February. The community made it clear that they were thankfully done with that type of gathering. That isn’t to say we didn’t have any issues. We did have one person try to steal a generator (recovered), we had a group that played music ridiculously loud that caused Intrepidus and Pardner to have to move but here is the rub:
7 days, no drama.
Picture Credit: Robles Fanny and @Wuzabus
Instead, we had inclusive and respectful around the fire time, yoga, ecstatic dancing, kids karaoke and all around just people doing exactly what the four tenets of Skooliepalooza are: Intentional Connection, Sound Health, Holistic Wellness and Positive Creative Outlets.
Here is to a community that wants positive experiences. Thank you for making the 2025 Ungathering awesome.