Just a quick update. We are in the process of applying for a special land use permit. This permit is good for two years and will allow us to also help folks like Home on Wheels Alliance. It will also prevent us from being dispersed (unless you explicitly avoid the Arizona Trust Land and camp on BLM instead). It will also allows us to legally (versus 2023) rent porta potties, a dumpster etc...
As a reminder: The AZ Skooliepalooza Ungathering will always be free.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
We have not been to any previous Ungatherings and have been living full time in our bus, we want to attend the next upcoming event and are not sure the dates to attend. We will be coming from Washington and need to plan for the journey. Thanks so much, hope to hear from you soon.
We purchased our tickets - can't decide on wether to bring our converted van or our converted coach bus. Regardless we will see everyone there in something on wheels.