We have not been to any previous Ungatherings and have been living full time in our bus, we want to attend the next upcoming event and are not sure the dates to attend. We will be coming from Washington and need to plan for the journey. Thanks so much, hope to hear from you soon.
Hi Joshua, I’m not one of h the planners and this will be my first event, but I live in Arizona. I live approximately 160 miles from the event. If I can offer any assistance, let me know. If you aren’t sure which vehicle to bring, which one offers the best capacity to be away from the world for a week? It might be windy and the evenings and nights will be cold (well, cold for Arizona). It will be dusty and probably pretty dry. The days will have amazing January weather in Arizona!
We are bringing a 6 Window, Truck based Skoolie. The last AZ event definitely had a couple of buckle down days due to wind and some people were in tents!
We purchased our tickets - can't decide on wether to bring our converted van or our converted coach bus. Regardless we will see everyone there in something on wheels.
We have not been to any previous Ungatherings and have been living full time in our bus, we want to attend the next upcoming event and are not sure the dates to attend. We will be coming from Washington and need to plan for the journey. Thanks so much, hope to hear from you soon.
Hi Joshua, I’m not one of h the planners and this will be my first event, but I live in Arizona. I live approximately 160 miles from the event. If I can offer any assistance, let me know. If you aren’t sure which vehicle to bring, which one offers the best capacity to be away from the world for a week? It might be windy and the evenings and nights will be cold (well, cold for Arizona). It will be dusty and probably pretty dry. The days will have amazing January weather in Arizona!
Emily, thanks so much for reaching out. Our volunteer coordinator is Catherine. If you could fill out this form it would be of a great help:
We are bringing a 6 Window, Truck based Skoolie. The last AZ event definitely had a couple of buckle down days due to wind and some people were in tents!
We purchased our tickets - can't decide on wether to bring our converted van or our converted coach bus. Regardless we will see everyone there in something on wheels.